Teaching & Learning Excellence

Academic Affairs Division

Teaching and Learning Centers Program Spotlight

OFD Summer Webinar Series

May 28, 2020

A special thank you to the teaching and learning centers around the เหล๖สำฦต for helping to make this series happen.

Check out the Fall 2020 Webinar schedule.

Summer 2020 Webinars

Connecting in the Time of Corona: Techniques to Listen and be Heard

As faculty we communicate on many levels both formally and informally, and new demands are being made on our communication skills. Join us for this interactive webinar to boost your communication skills, both remote and face-to-face. The session will address employing active listening skills for reciprocal communication, establishing clear expectations, and creating a work space to serve well in an online environment.

Carl Ohrenberg, University of North Georgia
Mary Carney, University of Georgia
Wendi Jenkins, เหล๖สำฦต
Becky Johnston, University of North Georgia

Webinar materials:

PPT Slides

Small Teaching Online: Minor Changes, Big Impact

When instructors integrate even small, evidence-based changes to an online course, the efforts can pay off in better learning outcomes for their students (Darby & Lang, 2019). This workshop will provide specific, small changes that instructors could try throughout the semester to overcome common barriers to online learning (e.g. building community and fostering student autonomy).

Facilitator: David Glassmeyer, Kennesaw State University

Webinar materials:
Engaging Online Learners Through Synchronous Meetings
by Peter Newbury
by Joe Hoyle

from Chronicle of Higher Education

Online Course Design and Course Planning

Are you unsure of how to start planning your courses for the fall? Have you wondered if you are designing your online course in the best way possible? Regardless of the delivery modality you use to facilitate courses, you will need to establish and implement a course design plan. In this webinar, we will explore course design principles, including organization, engagement, alignment, and learner support. If you are new to online teaching or new to online course design, please join me for this interactive webinar where we will explore how to purposefully plan your course.

Josie Baudier, Georgia Highlands College

Webinar materials:

Course Design PPT

TILTing Your Online Assignments

Even when you think you have clearly outlined the expectations for an assignment, there are often students who are confused about what they are supposed to do and how they are supposed to do it. Sometimes they figure it out along the way, but too often they either waste time because they do not understand the assignment, turn in something that is not what you were hoping for, or give up all together.

All students benefit from transparently designed assignments (Winkelmes et al., 2016; Winkelmes, Boye, & Tapp, 2019). These assignments 1) have a clearly defined purpose, 2) list the tasks students will perform, and 3) explain the criteria for success. The Transparency in Learning and Teaching (TILT) Higher Ed Project has found that students in more transparent courses generally indicate improvements in their academic confidence, sense of belonging, and employer-valued skills, especially for underserved students. This session will explore the compelling evidence for the effectiveness of TILTed assignments and will offer techniques for applying evidence-based practices that create clearer assignments.

Jesse Bishop, Georgia Highlands College
Jordan Cofer, Georgia College
Denise Domizi, เหล๖สำฦต
Rod McRae, University of West Georgia
Marina Smitherman, Dalton State University

Webinar materials:

TILT Presentation Slides
TILT Supplemental Materials
Essay Outline, shared by Marla Means from Georgia Highlands College

Supporting Students During Uncertain Times

This session will focus on practical things that faculty can do to support students and to increase the probability of academic success and student satisfaction in the remote environment. In particular, the session will focus on specific commentary provided during and after the sudden transition to online instruction, in order to best understand student perspectives. Content will focus upon effective engagement, proactive feedback, personal connection, promoting wellness, and maintaining academic excellence while teaching remotely.

Becky Johnston, University of North Georgia

Webinar materials:

Supporting Students outline

Supporting Adjunct/Part-time Instructors

This webinar provides an overview of synchronous and asynchronous modules designed to support non-tenure track instructors. Participants will also brainstorm structures already in place at their local institutions that could be leveraged to support non-tenure track instructors.

Michael Rifenburg, University of North Georgia

Webinar materials:


Facilitating Online Discussions in Both Synchronous and Asynchronous Environments

Are you tired of teaching into the online void or struggling to get students interacting in discussions online? Have students expressed to you that they consider discussions โ€œbusy workโ€ or do the bare minimum without engaging or developing a sense of community? Designing effective online discussions can be challenging and just at the moment we may not have a lot of time to dedicate to thorough design. This online webinar will explore best practices in designing asynchronous and synchronous class discussions in the online environment. Participants will receive step-by-step instructions for a low-tech simple yet effective model for creating engaging asynchronous discussions, examine how to transition a variety of engaging in-person classroom discussion techniques to the synchronous online environment, take away example engaging discussion prompts, and have the opportunity for active personal reflection on past success with creating engaging online discussions.

Jim Berger, Georgia College
Marina Smitherman, Dalton State College

Webinar materials:

Engaging Online Discussions - Slides
Engaging Online Discussions Handout

Humanizing Your Online Course

This session/workshop will present faculty and faculty developers with concepts, skills, and strategies to humanize the online learning environment, from overarching approaches to targeted, micro-level approaches. Participants will be able to recall key concepts and be provided opportunities to discuss how they might use strategies in their courses to humanize and personalize learning experiences.

Jesse Bishop, Georgia Highlands College

Webinar materials:

Humanizing Online Learning - Slides

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