Chief Information Officers Advisory Council

for the àËÅöÊÓƵ

Executive Committee

Role of the Executive Committee

The primary role of the Executive Committee is to support the Chief Information Officers Advisory Council (CIO Council) chair and chair-elect in advising the àËÅöÊÓƵ Vice Chancellor/CIO. Further, the CIO Council Executive Committee represents the leadership of the committee and may serve as the final decision-making voice of the committee. The Executive Committee is composed of the past Chair, current Chair, Chair-elect, Secretary, Vice Chancellor/CIO (ex officio), and the Chairs of each of the subcommittees. In the event a particular sector of àËÅöÊÓƵ institutions (research universities, regional universities, state universities, state colleges, and two-year colleges) is not represented, additional representatives shall be nominated by each unrepresented group for one year of service on the Executive Committee.

Members of the Executive Committee participate in monthly teleconferences for CIO Advisory Council business, and serve as the default IT Governance and Policy committee.

Name Institution Council Role
Michael Casdorph Augusta University Chair
Vacant Institution Chair-Elect
Ted Laskaris Columbus State University Secretary
Michael Casdorph Augusta University Research Universities
Ashlea Anderson Georgia Southern University Comprehensive Universities
Ted Laskaris Columbus State University State Universities
Antonio Travis Atlanta Metropolitan State College State Colleges