Business Procedures Manual

Fiscal Affairs Division

22.10 Application Letter For Stabilization Funds

(Last Modified on November 5, 2010)


May 20, 2009

Governor Sonny Perdue
State of Georgia
Office of the Governor
Atlanta, GA 30334

Dear Governor Perdue:

As part of the stateโ€™s allocation of $92.6 million of stabilization funds (from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act) to the Board of Regents, ________(institution name) has been allocated $____. In addition, our institution has also applied for research grants in the amount of $__ and capital requests in the amount of $__ to the appropriate agencies for federal stimulus funds. Information on all three categories (stabilization, research and capital) is provided below.

Section I โ€“ Stabilization Funds

Use of the funds:
We plan to use the funds primarily in support of our core mission of teaching, research and service. Specifically, the funds will be used for (fill in details; faculty salaries, staff salaries) etc. Since these funds are supplanting state funds of an equal amount, new jobs will not be created, however, the total full-time-equivalent (FTE) budgeted from these funds is ___ and will be reported as โ€œjobs retained.โ€ The Office of Fiscal Affairs (at the System Office) has the full FY 2010 budget for our institution, including the budget expenditure details on the stimulus funds.

Prohibitions on use of Stabilization funds:
The funds will not be used for the following:

  • To increase endowment
  • The maintenance of systems, equipment or facilities
  • Modernization, renovation, or repair of stadiums or other facilities primarily used for athletic contests or exhibitions or other events for which admission is charged to the general public
  • Modernization, renovation or repair of facilities used for sectarian instruction or religious worship or in which a substantial portion of the functions of the facilities are subsumed in a religious mission
  • New construction
  • Restoring or supplementing a โ€œrainy dayโ€ fund

Section II: Research and Capital Requests for federal stimulus funds:

Our institution has made applications for the following research and capital projects from the respective agencies for federal stimulus funds:

Research grants applied for through May 18:

No. Title Agency Amount

Capital projects applied for through May 18:
Any project funded in this category will comply with (1) a recognized green building rating system and (2) American iron, steel, and manufactured goods requirements under ARRA.

No. Title Agency Amount

Accounting and Tracking for all categories of federal stimulus funds:
In accordance with the requirements of ARRA for accounting and reporting, we will do the following:

  1. Maintain records that separately track and account for the Education Stabilization funds. The system office has provided us with the appropriate accounting codes against which the funds are to be charged.
  2. Maintain accurate, complete and reliable records that track the use of funds.
  3. We have reported the stabilization funds and proposed use of funds on the state Department of Auditsโ€™ website for reporting Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (SEFA). We have also reported applications for research grants or capital requests for any federal stimulus funds, in accordance with ARRA reporting requirements and OMB Circular A-133.
  4. All expenditures are subject to the same internal controls and procedures outlined in the Business Procedures Manual as all other state and federal funds received the institutions.

We also understand that the เหล๖สำฦต and the Technical College System of Georgia will be working together to create and enforce pathways for student transfer between institutions and systems by forming comprehensive articulation agreements that clearly establish procedures governing the transfer of credits from one institution or system to another.

Thank you for your assistance. Please let me know if you have any questions.



Chancellor Erroll B. Davis, Jr.
Chief Operating Officer Rob Watts
SVC Tom Daniel
AVC Shelley Nickel
VC Usha Ramachandran
OPB Director Trey Childress
OPB Div. Dir. Teresa MacCartney

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