Records Management and Archives

àËÅöÊÓƵ records retention policies and procedures

àËÅöÊÓƵ Records Retention Schedules

CATEGORY: Library/Archives/Records Management and Museum

Total: 19   Sorted by title.

Agency Files

Number:  0472-11-001

Description:  Documents relating to coordinating, supervising, and offering assistance to agencies in conducting records management and archival programs, including Records Retention Schedules and RMO information.

Retention:  Routine administrative records: Retain 5 years; Agency RMO Information: Until superseded; All other records: PERMANENT.

Appraisal Records

Number:  0472-11-003

Description:  This series documents monetary value appraisals of institutional artifacts, objects, and collections.

Retention:  Life of item.

Archives Environmental Monitoring Reports

Number:  0472-11-002

Description:  This series documents the environmental conditions in archival facilities and may include hygrothermograph charts and reports documenting the humidity and temperature over time.

Retention:  10 years.

Circulation Records

Number:  0472-11-004

Description:  This series documents the borrowing of circulating library materials by qualified patrons.

Retention:  Until material is returned, fines are paid, and, if applicable, information is summarized into statistical report.

Collections and Artifact Acquisition, Deaccession, and Exchange Records

Number:  0472-11-005

Description:  This series documents the acquisition, accession, use, preservation, storage, transfer, and disposition of artifacts and collections. This series may include but is not limited to: acquisition/accession log; cataloging worksheets; deed of gift; object file cards; subject file cards; numerical file cards; wildlife collecting permits; guns and weapons registration forms; condition/conservation records; reformatting logs; photographs; donor correspondence; descriptions of property; inventory lists; incoming loan agreements; background data about the collections and/or persons associated with the collections; receipt of collections documentation; donor agreements; purchasing data; preliminary descriptive inventory files; publicity records; foundation equity history reports; declaration of charitable gifts forms; copyright; citation information; and permission to publish or reproduce images forms.

Retention:  PERMANENT.

Collections or Artifact Loan Records

Number:  0472-11-006

Description:  This series documents artifact and material loans.

Retention:  7 years after the termination of the loan.

Conservation and Repair Records

Number:  0472-11-007

Description:  This series documents the conservation and repair of materials. This series may include but is not limited to: bookbinding records and treatment logs.

Retention:  PERMANENT.

Exhibit Records

Number:  0472-11-008

Description:  This series documents the display and use of artifacts and materials held by the collection units or displays created by the units. This series may include but is not limited to: research materials concerning the cultural environmental setting surrounding the artifacts; bibliographies; lists of artifacts or items considered for inclusion; drafts of exhibit descriptions or scripts; publicity or advertisements for exhibits; artifact labels; photographs of exhibits; exhibit renderings and layout diagrams; exhibit scheduling and transport information; contracts and agreements; evaluation forms; condition forms; and exhibit assembly and presentation instructions.

Retention:  Exhibit descriptions or scripts, exhibit renderings and layout diagrams, photographs of exhibits, lists of artifacts included, and publicity or advertisements for the exhibits: PERMANENT; All other records: Useful life.

Finding Aids (Indexes) or Tracking Systems

Number:  0472-11-009

Description:  This record consists of indexes, lists, registers, and other finding aids used to provide access to records.

Retention:  Until superseded.

Inter-Library Loan (ILL) Records

Number:  0472-11-010

Description:  This series documents requests made of the institution for materials from outside sources and also institution requests for materials from other institutions.

Retention:  3 years.

Microfilm Quality Control and Inspection Records (Filming)

Number:  0472-11-011

Description:  This series documents the activities of a micrographics program in prepping and filming records. This series includes but is not limited to: production reports, activity reports, film logs, title targets, and lists of records to be filmed.

Retention:  3 years.

Microfilm Quality Control and Inspection Records (Processing)

Number:  0472-11-012

Description:  This series documents the proper processing of microfilm to show compliance with technical standards. This series may include but is not limited to: lab inspection forms, processing/duplicating lab reports, film inspection reports, and monitoring logs (processing).

Retention:  Quality inspection reports: Life of microfilm; All other records: 7 years.

Microfilm Quality Control and Inspection Records (Storage)

Number:  0472-11-013

Description:  This series documents the holdings in a microforms storage facility along with inspection records monitoring its environmental stability. These records include but are not limited to: hygrothermograph charts, vault transmittal and evaluation records, vault inventory log, film sample documentation/annual master negative inspection reports, inventory of duplicating masters, and condition reports on reference copies of microfilm.

Retention:  Annual master negative inspection reports: PERMANENT; Transmittal and evaluation reports: Life of microfilm; Vault monitoring records: 5 years; Inventories and condition reports of duplicating masters and reference copies: Useful life.

Records Management Records

Number:  0472-11-015

Description:  This series document the retention and disposition of records created by the institution's offices in accordance with the institutional records retention schedule approved and authorized by the State Records Committee. This series may include but is not limited to: records destruction authorizations; records inventory worksheets; special records disposition schedules; records transmittal lists; records center pull requests, and guides to microfilmed records.

Retention:  Record destruction authorizations: PERMANENT; Record transmittal lists, reference requests, and temporary and permanent withdrawals: Life of record; All other records: Until superseded.

Records of State Records Center

Number:  0472-11-014

Description:  The records document the State Records Center's services to state and local government agencies and includes, but is not limited to: destruction authorizations and certifications pull lists, transmittal logs, and transmittals.

Retention:  Transmittals; transmittal logs; and destruction authorizations and certifications requests: PERMANENT; Reference requests and pull logs: 3 years; Permanent withdrawals: Life of record.

Reference Request Records and Forms

Number:  0472-11-016

Description:  This series documents scholarly requests for information about or access to items within the institution's collections. This series may include but is not limited to: collection service request forms; dates of receipt and completion of requests; staff member handling the requests; amount of time spent on handling the requests; and disposition of the requests.

Retention:  Electronic summaries, manuscript request forms, and copy requests: PERMANENT; Non-manuscript request forms: 1 year; Research requests files and logs: 3 years; Confidentiality agreements: 2 years; Databases and other records used to track pulls: Useful life; All other records: 5 years.

Registration Records

Number:  0472-11-017

Description:  Records used to grant borrower or viewing privileges to patrons.

Retention:  Patron records: 2 years after expiration of membership; Guest records: 2 years after last contact.

Scanning Records

Number:  0472-11-018

Description:  This series documents the scanning of institutional records. This series may include but is not limited to: lists of records to be scanned, activity reports, metadata, master files, and reference files.

Retention:  Metadata and master files: Life of image; All other records: 3 years.

Serials Records

Number:  0472-11-019

Description:  This series documents the receipt of serials purchased by the libraries.

Retention:  Until superseded.

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