
External Affairs Division

University System to Conduct Statewide Student Satisfaction Survey

Atlanta — October 27, 1997

Selected students in the àËÅöÊÓƵ will have the opportunity this fall to express their opinions about everything from academic courses to parking facilities.

Approximately 55,000 students representing all 34 University System institutions will participate in the first ever System-wide “Student Satisfaction Survey,” to be conducted from October 27 through November 14, 1997.

Survey results will be used by the campuses and the àËÅöÊÓƵ to shape efforts aimed at increasing student retention and graduation rates Systemwide.

“The Board of Regents places the welfare of students first and foremost, and all our decisions continually emphasize that goal,” said James Muyskens, senior vice chancellor for academic affairs with the Board of Regents. “Over the past several years we have implemented a number of student-centered initiatives to enhance academic and campus life, including several high-technology initiatives aimed at better delivery of key services. With the high pace of these innovations on our campuses, it is an appropriate interval to stop and ask our students: ‘how are we doing?’”

Some of the key student-related initiatives recently implemented by the University System include:

  • a 5% percent reduction in tuition for students at two-year colleges aimed at positioning these institutions as an affordable access point to the University System;
  • the GALILEO statewide electronic library, which unites all 34 institutions’ library holdings electronically and makes them accessible to all students;
  • BANNER, an on-line student advising and registration system which allows students to register for classes by computer and/or telephone, and access faculty advising electronically;
  • new model classrooms which provide training facilities which enable faculty to integrate technology into classroom instruction; and
  • new student facilities aimed at enhancing the quality of extra-curricular activity.

Muyskens said many of these initiatives have been well received by students, particularly the GALILEO electronic library, which recorded its three millionth “hit” this fall.

The student satisfaction survey was developed by American College Testing (ACT) and will be administered by coordinators at each of the 34 institutions. There are two surveys, one for two- and one for four-year institutions. Students will be queried in a number of areas, including: what factors influenced their decision to attend an institution; the number of classes students take; and their level of satisfaction with their academic program, campus admissions policies and facilities. Additionally, a number of questions are tailored to each individual institution.

The number of students to be surveyed at each institution will be based on the college’s or university’s Fall 1996 undergraduate enrollment. Only undergraduate students enrolled for credit will be surveyed, except at the Medical College of Georgia in Augusta. Surveys will be administered by mail and in classes. Specific groups of students have been identified to ensure a representative sampling, including by gender and race, traditional, and non-traditional students. Survey results are expected in early spring of 1998. The estimated cost of the project is $50,000.

The àËÅöÊÓƵ currently enrolls approximately 206,000 students at four research universities, two regional universities, 13 state colleges and universities, and 15 two-year colleges.

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