
External Affairs Division

Regents Update Minimum Admissions Requirements

Atlanta — October 10, 2001

Applicants to Georgia’s public colleges and universities will see some minor differences in the admission process, following approval today of two changes in the Board of Regents’ admissions policy. The board held its monthly meeting on the campus of Gainesville College.

The first policy change covers how additional academic courses taken in high school beyond the basic 16 College Preparatory Curriculum (CPC) units required by the regents will be assessed for admission purposes. The second change adds another path for admission to University System institutions for home-schooled students and students graduating from non-accredited high schools. Both changes will become effective October 12, 2001, for admission to all 34 public colleges and universities in Georgia.

“This fall’s full implementation of the new admissions requirements at Georgia’s public colleges and universities has provided the Board of Regents an opportunity to evaluate and enhance our process,” said Daniel Papp, senior vice chancellor for Academic and Fiscal Affairs. “These two changes will preserve the board’s intent to ensure rigorous academic preparation for college while enhancing access to the System.”

Under the current admissions policy, students applying to any of the System’s state, regional or research universities were required to take additional courses beyond the 16 core CPC units, from a list of System-approved courses. The Board’s change eliminates the System requirement for additional courses beyond the 16 units.

“We wholeheartedly support the value of students taking additional academic courses and urge them to do so. Such courses greatly increase a student’s probability of success in college,” said Papp. “However, the appropriateness of specific elective courses beyond the 16 CPC units can be assessed more effectively at the institutional level, based upon the individual student’s own academic goals and the distinct mission of that institution.”

To enhance access into the University System, home-schooled students or students graduating from non-accredited high schools now will be able to submit their SAT 1 test total score (math and verbal) and a portfolio of work demonstrating coverage of the CPC subjects. To determine eligibility for admission, admission representatives will assess whether the student’s SAT score is at or above the previous year’s fall semester SAT average score of the first-time freshmen admitted to that institution. The student’s portfolio will be assessed to determine whether or not the applicant has completed the equivalent of each area of the CPC.

“As promised, the àËÅöÊÓƵ has added yet another option for home-schooled students,” Papp stated. “We’ve provided our institutions with additional flexibility in assessing the academic qualifications and potential of prospective students. These steps will help us expand access and move forward in creating a more educated Georgia.”

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