
External Affairs Division

Advisory Committee Assists Board in Search for New Chancellor

Atlanta — August 6, 2001

The statewide advisory committee assisting the Board of Regents of the àËÅöÊÓƵ in selecting a new chancellor met today to review the credentials of the top candidates identified by the executive search firm A.T. Kearney, hired to scout nationally for the best talent to fill the post.

The 14-member advisory committee - comprised of University System presidents, administrators, faculty members, students and community leaders - received its charge from Board of Regents Chairman Hilton Howell Jr.

“The commitment to identifying the highest-caliber chancellor for the àËÅöÊÓƵ was quite evident among the committee members in today’s meeting,” Howell stated. “Everyone was enthusiastic about the charge they had been given, and provided excellent feedback about the candidate pool which they reviewed. This preliminary work will be extremely valuable to the full board as we move now to the next stage of the screening and identification process, and we are most appreciative of the committee members’ service.”

Chaired by Georgia State University Professor of History Hugh D. Hudson, the committee studied the resumes of between 20 and 30 stand-out candidates whose credentials for the chancellor’s position had been thoroughly researched by A.T. Kearney. The committee provided feedback on these candidates to the board.

The full Board of Regents is scheduled to hold an executive session on Tuesday regarding the chancellor’s search as part of its regular monthly meeting. The Regents hope to emerge from the meeting with a short list of five to eight promising candidates to be interviewed and checked out further.

In keeping with the search schedule initially established in June, the regents probably will spend September conducting interviews with the semifinalists and finalists. Announcement of the board’s selection for chancellor is expected in October or November.

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