Academic & Student Affairs Handbook

Academics Affairs Division

4.3 Appointments

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With the exception of named (endowed) faculty appointments (Section 4.3.2, Establishment and Appointment of Named Faculty Positions), the president of each institution shall be responsible for the initial appointment and re-appointment of all faculty and administrative employees.

4.3.1 Employment Beyond Retirement

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Reemployment at a àËÅöÊÓƵ Institution of any àËÅöÊÓƵ retiree receiving benefits from the Teachers Retirement System (TRS), the Employees Retirement System (ERS), or the Regents’ Retirement Plan (RRP) must be approved by the president of the hiring institution and follow the conditions set forth in BoR Policy Employment of àËÅöÊÓƵ retirees must be based on the direct needs of the institution for the services of the individual and on the individual’s ability to make a distinctive contribution to the institution. The rehire of retirees from other state agencies (e.g., public schools), even those receiving benefits from TRS, ERS, or RRP, do NOT require presidential approval.

Approval for all rehires of retiree appointments should be processed in advance to allow for presidential approval prior to their date of appointment. àËÅöÊÓƵ retirees who have not been approved by the hiring institution’s president cannot be employed by àËÅöÊÓƵ institutions.

4.3.2 Establishment and Appointment of Named Faculty Positions

(Last Modified April 12, 2011)   Report a broken link


Requests to establish endowed chairs, professorships, or fellowships should be sent to the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Faculty Affairs to be placed on the next available BOR meeting agenda. Requests to establish a named faculty position should include evidence of funding for the position and that funding meets or exceeds the minimum funding levels specified in BOR Policy All named faculty positions must be approved by the BOR before an individual can be appointed to the position.

Requests to appoint an individual to a BOR-approved named faculty position should be sent to the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Faculty Affairs and processed in advance to obtain BOR approval prior to the date of appointment. When the appointment date must occur before BOR approval can be obtained, administrative approval for the appointment must be obtained from the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Faculty Affairs. Administrative approval will cover only the period of time between the date of appointment and BOR approval, which must be requested at the next available BOR meeting (considering BOR agenda deadlines and the schedule of BOR meetings).

Requests to establish a position and to appoint someone to the position can be made at the same BOR meeting, but the appointment request will be considered only if the establishment of the position is approved.

4.3.3 Sample Faculty Contracts

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Sample faculty contracts may be accessed at Templates for Contracts for Academic Personnel.

4.3.4 Inter-institutional Faculty Appointments

(Last Modified April 12, 2011)   Report a broken link

Guidelines for inter-institutional faculty appointment policies and procedures must be approved by the Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer of the àËÅöÊÓƵ or his/her designee and should adhere to the following parameters:

  • Institutions that have identified a need for an inter-institutional faculty appointment must establish procedures for searching and hiring for the appointment. These procedures must be approved by each institutional president involved in the appointment.
  • Before faculty who are already employed full-time at a àËÅöÊÓƵ institution can accept an inter-institutional appointment at another àËÅöÊÓƵ institution, they must obtain approval from the appropriate administrators (including the president) at their home institution.
  • Faculty with inter -institutional appointments will have a contract at their home institution and a written Memorandum of Appointment (MOA) between the home institution and the secondary institution(s)containing the following information:

    • Name of the home institution
    • Beginning and ending dates of the inter-institutional appointment
    • Tenure type of the position (tenure, if applicable, will reside at the home institution)
    • Rank at the home institution
    • Position title
    • Percentage of workload at each institution
    • Salary, including the amount paid by each institution
    • Percentage of benefits paid by each institution
    • Process for the exchange of funds for salary and benefits between institutions. This process must follow the 5.3.3 Payroll Policy for Joint Staffing in the àËÅöÊÓƵ Business Procedures Manual. If the joint appointment involves minimal work at the secondary institution(s), no exchange of funds may be necessary.
    • Responsibilities of each institution for supporting the work of the faculty position (e.g., professional travel, library privileges, professional development, equipment needs, etc.)
    • Procedures of the home institution will govern the evaluation of the faculty member’s performance, including annual reviews, pre-tenure and tenure review for faculty hired in tenure-track positions, promotion, and post-tenure review. The MOA must specify how each secondary institution will provide feedback to the home institution for performance evaluation purposes.
    • Procedure for input from the secondary institution(s) if the home institution is considering terminating the faculty member in the inter-institutional appointment or eliminating the faculty position
    • Other information deemed necessary by the home or secondary institutions

Requests for approval of new guidelines or revisions to previously approved guidelines should be sent to the Office of Faculty Affairs for processing.

4.3.5 Salary Conversion Guidelines for Fiscal and Academic Year Faculty Appointments

(Last Modified January 17, 2012)   Report a broken link

Last reviewed: July 2011


When a faculty member on an academic year contract is given a fiscal year administrative appointment, institutions should pay the faculty member an administrative stipend based on the job description and responsibilities related to their administrative role. The administrative stipend should be identified separately from the base salary amount in the faculty member’s contract and the contact should specify that the stipend will no longer be available when the administrative appointment ends.

Sample contract language:

“Please be advised that your employment as [Faculty Rank and Administrative Title] is at a salary of [Total Salary Amount] from July 1, [Year] and ending on June 30, [Year]. This salary includes an academic year base salary of [Base Salary Amount] plus an administrative stipend of [Stipend Amount] for your administrative duties. Should you no longer hold your administrative position; your administrative stipend will be removed from your total salary.â€

The amount of the stipend may vary across units based on the specific responsibilities of the administrative position. For example, a department chair in a department with 40 faculty might receive a larger stipend than a department chair heading a department with 5 faculty. Similarly, a department chair leading a department with multiple degree programs and/or centers might receive a larger stipend than a chair leading a less complex department. The amount of the stipend can be renegotiated annually if the administrative responsibilities change over time. Merit pay increases for administrative faculty may be based on the total fiscal salary (base salary plus the stipend amount).

When a fiscal year administrative employee returns to their academic appointment as a faculty member, the administrative stipend is removed and the faculty member returns to their academic year base salary amount, which should be similar to other faculty in the department with similar rank and experience or other faculty in similar positions at the institution.

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